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We celebrated the feast of our patron, James the Greater, at all Masses on the weekend of July 27-28.  This year, we remembered in prayer in a special way the victims of the train disaster outside Santiago de Compostela on July 24.

Joe Cotton, Youth Minister, and the young people participating in the Youth Migrant Project, gathered for a special blessing after the Noon Mass. They are headed up to the Skagit Valley to minister to the migrant communities there.

All present extend their hands in blessing over the young pilgrims.

St. James "the Greatest" makes an appearance at the conclusion of the 10:00am and Noon Masses.  This 18-foot high puppet is modeled on puppets used for festivals in Spain.

The Cathedral Choir

One of four puppeteers who bring St. James to life.

On Sunday afternoon, Terry Avenue is closed for our annual picnic.

This year, a montage of photos looked back on Father Ryan's twenty-five years at the Cathedral (he was installed on July 24, 1988).

Today also marked the conclusion of Camino Seattle, a five-week walking adventure that began on June 23.


Dancing to the music of the Toucans Steel Drum Band.

A visit from the Fire Department, who demonstrated the power of the ladder!


A great haul from the piƱata!

A huge thank you to all the volunteers who made this event happen, especially picnic coordinators Trent and Alex Mummery.


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303