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We celebrate the ordination of Deacon Mark Kiszelewski to the priesthood.
Archbishop addresses his homily directly to the new priest, reminding him, in
the words of the Rite of Ordination, to "understand what you are doing, and
imitate the mystery you celebrate."
The candidate prostrates himself before the altar as the entire assembly sings
the Litany of Saints.
The Archbishop and all the priests present lay hands on the new priest.
This is the most ancient part of the ordination rite.
The prayer of ordination
Father Mark is now vested for the first time in the chasuble, the priestly
garment used only in
the celebration of the Eucharist. Two priests who have been mentors for
him assist him.
Father Mark's two sons and his sister present the gifts of bread and wine.
Father Mark takes his place among the priests of the Archdiocese.
Newly-ordained transitional deacon Brian Thompson assists at the altar.
Joining in the Eucharistic Prayer
Archbishop Sartain acknowledges all the seminarians present, and those in
Archbishop kneels to receive the new priest's first blessing.
Father Mark is known for his sense of humor. It will serve him well in his
priestly ministry!
Ad multos annos, Father Mark! May God bless your ministry in the
Archdiocese of Seattle for many years to come.
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