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On Thursday, June 27, some 275 Cathedral volunteers gathered in Cathedral Hall
for our annual Celebration of Ministries Dinner. Around 1,000 people
volunteer in dozens of different capacities in our many Cathedral
ministries--outreach to the poor, liturgy and music, catechesis and faith
formation, and so much more! The dinner was
made possible by donations from Pagliacci Pizza.
Top of the line wait staff!
Enjoying the spaghetti!
Dr. James Savage led us on a Camino Seattle-related adventure!
Gathered in the Cathedral for prayer at the end of the evening, we had a
surprise: singing of familiar Christmas carols to be incorporated into a new
Christmas CD to be released this fall. Stay tuned!
Five Halos siblings gathered to enjoy the evening!
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone 206.622.3559 Fax 206.622.5303