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St. James joined with St. Mark's Cathedral and dozens of other Seattle congregations and faith-based organizations for an Interfaith Candlelight Vigil and March to end gun violence.  After a vigil service of reflection in word and song at St. Mark's, the entire assembly set forth on a procession to St. James.  Servers from the two cathedrals and the children of the Boys' and Girls' Choir of St. Mark's Cathedral (under the direction of our own Rebekah Gilmore) led the way.

The prayerful procession moved down Broadway towards St. James, catching the attention of the busy Saturday night crowds.

Seattle police officers and peacekeepers from the Church Council of Greater Seattle kept the procession moving safely through the streets.

When the marchers arrived at St. James, they were welcomed by Father Ryan.

"To a life of love and action, help us rise and pledge our word!"

We were honored by the presence of many from the interfaith community as well as from across the Christian family.  Here, Tripat Singh, of the Sikh community at Gurdwara Singh Sabha of Washington, offers a prayer for peace and transformation.

To find out more about concrete actions we can take to reduce gun violence in our state, visit the website of the Faith Action Network, www.fanwa.org.

Click here for an article and photo album at the Seattle P-I.


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303