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On Sunday, May 5, twenty-nine children in our parish received Holy Communion for
the first time. Many of them have been preparing for this important day
for two years!
There were some jitters and excitement before Mass began.
Taking a moment for prayer.
It's traditional to dress your best for First Holy Communion. The white
dresses worn by the girls recall the white garments they received on the day of
their baptism.
Gathering in the vestibule for the procession...
The children joined the solemn entrance procession at the beginning of Mass.
The Mass is full of baptismal reminders. There was the sprinkling rite at the
beginning of Mass...
... the lighting of candles,
... and the renewal of baptismal promises.
For the first time, the children receive the body and blood of Christ in the
Eucharist. From now on this sacrament will be their food for the journey.
The procession out at the end of Mass.
Smile, everybody!
Congratulations, First Communicants!
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone 206.622.3559 Fax 206.622.5303