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In spite of the dire forecasts, the weather for the Palm Sunday procession was
Before the 10:00am Mass, we gather at O'Dea Gym for the blessing of palms.
Choir and Brass lead the assembly in a brief rehearsal...
...and Father Ryan greets the people informally before the procession begins.
Archbishop Sartain presided at the Mass.
Cathedral Piper Tyrone Heade and the men of the Cathedral Choir hurry ahead to
prepare the procession route.
Everyone sings in the procession of palms, acclaiming Jesus our Messiah as did
the crowds who welcomed him to Jerusalem.
The Elect, who will be baptized in just a few days at the Easter Vigil, have a
special place in the Palm Sunday procession.
Entering through the Ceremonial Doors at the Cathedral's west entrance.
From the earthly city to the heavenly city!
At the Noon Mass, the children of the Youth Music Program sing the traditional
chant of Palm Sunday: "The Hebrew children, carrying branches of palm in
their hands, cried aloud to the Son of God their loud Hosannas!"
The children gathered with Father Ryan around the font for the Blessing of
Father Ryan proclaims the Gospel of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem.
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