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On Saturday, January 21, 2012, we celebrate our annual Mass to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and to give thanks for the presence of African American and African Catholics in the Archdiocese of Seattle.  Swahili dancers from Holy Spirit Parish, Kent, sang and danced a prelude.

The Sir Knights of Peter Claver formed an honor guard.

Young people carry images of holy men and women, patron saints of Africa and of African Americans.

Archbishop Sartain celebrated the Mass.

Young people from around the Archdiocese participated in the procession.

People representing the many cultures of the Church in the Pacific Northwest presented the gifts.

At the end of the Mass, the Swahili community surprised Archbishop Sartain by honoring him as the elder of their community, and presenting him with symbolic gifts which represent leadership in their traditional culture--the spear and shield represent his responsibility to protect the flock; the garment, hat, and stool are other signs of leadership.

Pausing for a picture after Mass.



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