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St. James the "Greatest" (also known as "Big Jim") presided over the annual Celebration of Ministries Dinner, which gathers Cathedral volunteers for a wonderful evening of food and fun.

Father Ryan sported his new Camino Seattle T-shirt.  Have you signed up to participate? 
If not, find out more here!

Volunteers from every ministry in the parish got a chance to meet and celebrate together.

Friends, family, a glass of wine, and a fantastic Italian dinner - what could be better?

Many, many thanks to Armandino and Marilyn Batali and their faithful team of volunteers,
who provided our wonderful meal.  Mille grazie!

The Cathedral's young volunteers were there...

...along with the volunteers of the future!

Thomas Thompson and Dr. Savage teach us how to "Do the Camino."  We were all impressed by Thomas's ability to count to ten in many languages!

Every group "did the Camino" in a different way:  waving, pounding, stomping, snapping.
We made a lot of noise!

You just had to be there...!

We concluded, as we always do, with song and prayer around the altar in the Cathedral.

Thank you to all the volunteers and staff who helped make this evening possible,
and an even bigger THANK YOU to the 800+ volunteers who make St. James what it is!


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303