On Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11, we had a special exhibit of some
extraordinary artworks--arks, animals, paintings, miniature houses and
castles--and much more, the life's work of an extraordinary artist.

Robert Ross, long time member of L’Arche Noah Sealth of Seattle and more
recently a resident, is a lifelong, self-trained, creative artist. He has
produced hundreds of original arks, churches, dollhouses and architectural
reproductions. Robert is also skilled painter, potter and ceramist. Robert has
a developmental disability and has lived almost his entire adult life
independently. Being deaf, Robert communicates with limited language and syntax
skills, primarily using sign language and simple written notes. Life in general
is challenging for someone with disabilities, yet Robert navigates the world
expressing himself through his art.

A church interior, complete with clergy, organist, and the Blessed Virgin Mary
at the pulpit!

The animals go two by two...

The birds fly overhead...

And the dodos aren't forgotten!

Crowds at the reception and silent auction after the Saturday evening Mass.

Robert demonstrates how the arks have many layers, each filled with rooms,
animals, and other surprises!
