Corpus Christi 2012. The sun shone on our annual procession in honor of
Christ, present in our midst in the Blessed Sacrament of his Body and Blood.
"Sion, praise thy Saviour singing,
Hymns with exultation ringing
Praise thy King and Shepherd true."
"Honor him, thy voice upraising
who surpasseth all thy praising;
Never canst thou reach his due."
"Let the bread, life-giving, living,
Be our theme of glad thanksgiving."
"Full and clear ring out your chanting,
Joy nor sweetest grace be wanting,
From your heart let praises burst."
"What he did at supper seated,
Christ ordained to be repeated,
His memorial ne'er to cease..."
"...And his rule for guidance taking,
Bread and wine we hallow, making
Thus our sacrifice of peace."
"Very Bread, Good Shepherd, tend us,
Thine eternal goodness send us,
In the land of life to see."
"Thousands are, as one, receivers,
One, as thousands of believers,
Eats of him who cannot waste."
"Thou who all things canst and knowest,
Grant us with thy saints, though lowest,
Where the heavenly feast thou showest,
Fellow heirs and guests to be. Amen."
Quotations are from "Lauda Sion," the sequence for
Corpus Christi, attributed to St. Thomas Aquinas