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Nervous, excited, happy--our twenty-eight First Communicants gather in the Chapel before the procession.

First Communion Sunday is a special day for the whole parish.

Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters--everyone wants to get a picture of this special day!

Joining in the entrance procession

At the beginning of Mass, the children (and all of us) are sprinkled with the Holy Water that reminds us of our baptism, when we became God's beloved children.

Father Ryan gave a special homily just for the First Communicants today--but he said we could all "listen in"!

The lighting of candles and renewal of baptismal promises are more reminders of baptism.

In the sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus gives us his Body and Blood to be our food and drink, to strengthen us as we seek to do his will in our lives.

Many of these children have been preparing for two whole years for this great moment.

Congratulations, dear First Communicants!  May you always remember this special day.  And, see you next Sunday!

All five members of the Nguyen family served at the First Communion Mass:  Chi (left) and Gigi (center) are catechists who helped prepare the children for their First Communion.  Max (second from the left) is an altar server, while Felix and Alex (right) are ministers of Holy Communion.