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Wednesday, April 20, 2011.  On the night before the Triduum begins, we pray the Office of Tenebrae.  The extinguishing of the candles suggests the gathering of the powers of darkness around Jesus in the days before his death.

Holy Thursday, April 21.  At the conclusion of the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper, we adore the Blessed Sacrament, Christ's abiding presence in our midst.

Ministers join the procession through the Cathedral.

Good Friday, April 22.  Father Paul Murray, OP, preached at the Tre Ore service on Good Friday.

The Veneration of the Cross is at the heart of the Good Friday liturgy.

The great Easter Vigil begins with the blessing of the new fire, the sign of the Risen Christ.

After many months of preparation, the Elect finally reach the moment of their baptism.  After professing their faith, each is led to the font, where the Archbishop baptizes them "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

After their baptism, the neophytes put on the white garment, the symbol of their new dignity as Christians.

"You have been enlightened by Christ; walk always as children of the light, and keep the flame of faith alive in your hearts."

The Archbishop confirms each of the newly baptized.

The newly baptized now share the light with the entire congregation.

Congratulations to our Neophytes!  We will continue to pray for you as you begin your new lives in Christ!

It was a rainy day in Seattle, but inside the Cathedral, it felt like Easter morning!

Happy Easter, everyone!


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