Today we celebrated the ordination to the priesthood of five men for service in
the Archdiocese of Seattle. From left to right, they are Dwight Lewis,
Bradley Hagelin, Michael Wagner, Paul Brunet, and Bryan Ochs.
Rev. Thomas Knoebel, Vice-Rector of Sacred Heart School of Theology, Hales
Corner, WI, carries the Sacred Chrism in the entrance procession.
The Mass begins with the Sprinkling Rite, a reminder of our baptism.
The candidates for ordination prostrate themselves in a biblical gesture of
The gift of the Holy Spirit for service as a priest is conferred on the
candidates through the laying on of hands in silence by Archbishop Sartain and
the priests present.
The laying on of hands and the prayer of consecration constitute the heart of
the ordination rite.
The newly ordained are vested for the first time in the stole and chasuble.
The hands of the priest are anointed with Sacred Chrism.
The gifts are brought forward by family members of the newly ordained.
The Archbishop then presents the new priests with the gifts of the assembly,
bread and wine, to be offered to God in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Archbishop Sartain and the priests present extend to the newly ordained a sign
of peace.
The five newly ordained concelebrate Mass for the first time.
Our five new priests join Archbishop Sartain in bestowing the final blessing.
Congratulations, Father Ochs, Father Wagner, Father Lewis, Father Hagelin, and
Father Brunet!
May God abundantly bless your ministry among us.