On September 25, 2011, St. James Cathedral was privileged to host a special Mass
marking the Centennial of the Maryknoll Society. Established by the United
States Bishops in 1911, Maryknoll is a Society of priests, brothers, religious,
and lay missioners, who are dedicated to spreading the Gospel all over the
Archbishop Sartain presided at the Mass.
Archbishop Sartain and Father Ryan were joined by many concelebrating priests,
Maryknoll priests as well as many others.
Sam Stanton, who proclaimed the second reading, is Executive Director of the
Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
Father Pete Byrne, MM, preached at the Centennial Mass, tracing Maryknoll's rich
history of service.
Sister Stephanie Nakagawa, MM, entered Marknoll in 1941, nearly seventy years
ago. She grew up at the parish of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, which was the
center of Maryknoll's work in Seattle until 1953. Seated next to Sister
Stephanie is Tom Kobayashi, also of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. During World War
II he and his family were relocated to Minidoka Internment Camp in Idaho.
Mr. Kobayashi has dedicated his life to service of the poor.
Read more here.
Deacon Fred Cordova of Immaculate Conception Church assisted at Mass.
He grew up at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church.
The Fil-Am Choir, under the direction of Carmen Pelayre, provided beautiful
music for the celebration.
"In Christ there is no east or west, in him no south or north--but one great
family, bound by love, throughout the whole wide earth."
Father Tom Marti, MM, left, is the director of Maryknoll House, Seattle, and the
chair of the Centennial Planning Committee.
Special thanks to Christina E. C. Smith, Holy Names Academy '12 (left).
Christina interned at the Cathedral all summer, helping to prepare for this
centennial Mass. She researched the legacy of Marknoll, scanned photos and
documents, and prepared the history panels which were displayed in the Hall.
She and her sister Elizabeth (on the right) also served at the Mass.
Thanks, Christina!
This painting of the Japanese martyrs hung in Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church.
Standing room only at the festive reception in the Hall!
Maryknoll Seattle is hosting a Centennial symposium on Sunday, October 2, at
2:00pm at Seattle University's LeRoux Room. All are welcome.