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Feast of St. James
The Feast of St. James!  Many traditions surround our annual celebration of our patronal feast day.  Above, St. James "the Greatest" makes his annual appearance at the conclusion of the 10 o'clock Mass.

Feast of St. James
At the Noon Mass, the children joined the procession with the historic reliquary bust of St. James.  This 16th-century carving houses a relic of our patron.

Feast of St. James
The children wore scallop shell buttons--the scallop is the symbol of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, where James is buried.

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
You have to stretch if you're going to high-five a giant!

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
The weather couldn't have been better for the picnic on Terry Avenue.  Parishioners, visitors, and neighbors alike enjoyed the festivities.

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
The Toucans Steel Drum band played...

Feast of St. James
And young and old danced in the streets!

Feast of St. James
Thanks to Patty Repikoff for the photo!

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
Smoke from the barbecue lingers in the trees on Terry Avenue.

Feast of St. James
The Bingo crowd played for hours!

Feast of St. James

Enjoying the bouncy toys!
Special thanks to Suzy Petrucci for the photo!

Feast of St. James
The pinata is the grand finale of the picnic. This year there were two!

Feast of St. James
Our neighbor, retired Archbishop Brunett, dropped by for a hamburger.


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303