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Christmas at St. James begins with the Vigil Mass of Christmas, as children
join the entrance with the figures for the Christmas manger.

Altar servers are ready for Christmas - and for the great procession!

The St. Cecilia singers and St. Gregory choir sing a prelude to the Vigil Mass.

The Schola Cantorum

Standing room only!

"Hark! the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King!"

The children of the youth choirs lead the assembly in the singing of the Penitential Act.

During the Gloria, parols (star-shaped lanterns, a Christmas tradition from the Philippines) descend from the oculus.  Everyone looks up!

Even some of the singers get a little distracted when the stars come down!

Youth readers proclaim the good news of the Savior's birth.

Father Ryan preaches the homily. 

The incensation of the people

Christmas is here!

The Midnight Mass is televised live on KING-TV.  In the truck before Mass begins, the crew keeps an eye on the Cathedral - and on what's on TV this Christmas Eve!

Jim Waliser has directed the broadcast for many years.

Servers - 25 strong! - prepare for the Midnight Mass.

Archbishop Sartain presides at the 12 Noon Mass.

At Christmas, we kneel during the words of Incarnation in the Creed:  "he was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man."

At the end of the Noon Mass, we said goodbye to Bryan Long (center, with Michael Sordelet and Stuart Ling), who has been an MC and Sacristan at St. James for many years.  Bryan has accepted a new job which will take him to Orlando, Florida.  Thank you and Godspeed, Bryan!


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