Lent began with ashes on our foreheads; Easter begins with fire, the new fire
blessed by the Archbishop at the beginning of the Easter Vigil.
"May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and
Inside the Cathedral, the light of the new fire is spread.
Father Ryan chants the Exsultet, the Easter proclamation: "Of this night,
Scripture says: the night will be as clear as day."
The Vigil includes nine scripture readings, beginning with the creation account
from the Book of Genesis, and continuing through the Resurrection of Jesus, the
new creation.
After each reading and psalm, the Archbishop prays a collect, inviting us to
find ourselves in the unfolding story of God's purpose.
The candidates for baptism are called forward. After months of
preparation, the moment has finally arrived.
We chant the Litany of Saints, invoking the prayers of all God's holy ones on
those to be reborn in baptism.
The Archbishop prays the solemn blessing of water over the font.
The candidates make their baptismal promises, renouncing sin and professing
faith in Jesus Christ.
The entrance of the newly baptized is a moment of joy not only for those who
have been baptized, but for the whole assembly.
The newly baptized now receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit.
Happy Easter!