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On Sunday, July 25, 2010, we celebrate the feast of our patron, St. James, with great solemnity.  Here, a server carries in procession the icon of St. James, the work of Cathedral iconographer Joan Brand-Landkamer.

Feast of St. James
A highlight of our feast day is the annual appearance of St. James "the Greatest," an 18-foot high image of James modeled on those at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.  The giant puppet is the work of Kitty Kavanaugh.

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
Images of James abound on this day.  This beautiful reliquary bust, containing the Cathedral's relic of the Apostle, was the gift of a generous parishioner.

After the 10:00am Mass, our annual picnic on Terry Avenue begins.  The celebration continues into the afternoon. The weather was glorious!

The Toucans Steel Drum Band provide lively music again this year.

Parishioner Barbara DeLateur completed the camino to Santiago de Compostela in May of this year. Because the Feast of St. James, July 25, falls on a Sunday this year, it is a year of special jubilee.  Just in the month of June, some 33,721 pilgrims completed the pilgrimage (only 5% of them from the U.S.).  Click here to visit the website of the pilgrimage office.  Barbara holds her "compostela," the official certificate pilgrims receive who have completed the camino.

This is Barbara's "credencial."  At each stop on the camino, the pilgrim receives a stamp.  The final stamp is at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

At the parish picnic, St. James appears (parishioner Scott Webster in costume!) distributing shells and holy cards.

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
Face (and arm!) painting for the children.

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James

Feast of St. James
We are privileged again to welcome the Seattle Fire Department to the picnic.

Feast of St. James
The kids get a chance to explore the inside of the fire truck.

Feast of St. James
After three hours of spinning cotton candy, this volunteer is covered with sugar from head to toe!

Feast of St. James
The finale of the picnic is the piƱata, which always draws a huge crowd.  Special thanks to picnic coordinators Stephen Pace and Trent Mummery, and their team of more than 50 volunteers, for a wonderful celebration!


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303