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This annual celebration includes the Commissioning of coordinators of Simbang Gabi (the traditional novena of prayer to prepare for Christmas) across the Archdiocese. 

This year, the celebration coincided with the Feast of Our Lady of Guadualupe!

Teresita Guerrero carries a special altar cloth from the Philippines, which will be used to adorn the altar for this celebration.

Archbishop Brunett presides at this celebration.  As he pointed out, Simbang Gabi was the first Archdiocesan event he celebrated after his installation as Archbishop in 1997!

During the singing of the Gloria, a parol or star-shaped lantern descends from the oculus of the Cathedral.

Following the homily, all the parols are brought forward for a special blessing.  In parishes across the Archdiocese, these lanterns will be signs of the light and love of Jesus Christ.

This year, there are more parols than ever before!

The Archbishop blesses the parols and those who carry them.

The altar is prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist.

Members of the community present the gifts to the Archbishop.

A choir of Filipino youth from across the Archdiocese provided some of the music for the celebration.

The Archbishop and each of the concelebrating priests receive leis as a token of gratitude from the Filipino community.

Our Lady of Antipolo is a well-loved image of Mary from the Philippines.  The banner features San Lorenzo Ruiz, saint and martyr of the Philippines.

Bishop Tyson, Bishop Elizondo, and Father Ryan show off their leis after the celebration.

And after Mass:  Salu-Salo, a great fiesta with music and dancing in Cathedral Place Hall!


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