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On Sunday, July 26, 2009, we celebrated the feast of our beloved patron,
James the Greater.  At each of the Masses, a relic of St. James was given honor in the entrance procession.

The red vestments worn on the Feast of St. James represent martyrdom:
James was the first of the twelve apostles to suffer death for preaching Christ.

A St. James tradition! An 18-foot high image of James the Greater
joined the procession at the conclusion of the Mass.

It takes four people to bring St. James "the Greatest" to life.  This future puppeteer had her picture taken with the giant after Mass!

At the Children's Liturgy of the Word during the Noon Mass, St. James
(TerryAnn Bowen!) made a special guest appearance.

We had a beautiful summer afternoon for our picnic.  Hundreds gathered on Terry Avenue for food, fun, and live music.

The Toucans Steel Drum band was fantastic!

The picnic is especially fun for kids, who danced...

...ate lots of cotton candy...

...were treated to balloon animals...

...drew pictures on the sidewalk...

...and had their faces painted...

...while the grownups played bingo.

The piƱata is the grand finale of the picnic.

Everyone wants to be the first to take a swing at it!

A huge THANK YOU to Stephen Pace and Trent Mummery, who coordinated
the picnic this year.  Thanks also to the dozens of volunteers who made the picnic possible!


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303