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Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
On Thursday, April 2, 2009, people from across the Archdiocese gathered for the annual Chrism Mass, during which the Archbishop blesses the oils to be used in sacramental celebrations, particularly baptism and confirmation at the coming Easter Vigil.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
During this liturgy, the priests of the Archdiocese renew their commitment to service.  All the baptized, members of "the royal priesthood," also renew their commitment to live out their baptismal promises.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
Trumpeters herald the procession of the oils.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
The oil of the sick is presented by a lay hospice chaplain from Providence Hospital.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
A minister who works with the RCIA in her parish presents the oil of catechumens, which is used to anoint those preparing for baptism, both children and adults.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
Newly ordained priest Father Mark Guzman presents the oil for the Sacred Chrism, while a young confirmation candidate presents the fragrant balsam essence.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
While the oil of catechumens and the oil of the sick receive a simple blessing, the oil of chrism, to be used in baptisms, confirmations, ordinations, and the dedication of church buildings, is solemnly consecrated.  All the priests present join in this consecration.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
Deacons help distribute the oils to priests and representatives of the nearly 200 parishes of the Archdiocese following the Mass.

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral

Chrism Mass 2009, St. James Cathedral
The oils are neatly packed and ready for pickup in the Cathedral Chapel by the time Mass is over.  Have a blessed Holy Week!


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