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This year, the Solemnity of All Saints, November 1, fell on a Sunday.  At the Noon Mass, the St. Gregory Choir and the St. Cecilia Singers rang handbells as the entire assembly  joined in singing "For all the saints."

The children of the Faith Formation Program prepared for today by drawing and coloring pictures of famous saints.  Here, one of our young people proudly shows her "icon" of St. Catherine of Siena.

Some of the kids became living icons of the saints!

Father Ryan incensed the children's icons. 

Children, parents, and catechists joined the celebration of all the saints.

Father Ryan asked us, "Who do you think you are?"  We are all called to be saints!

At our First Sunday Youth Celebration, youth readers reminded us of saints of many different times and places in the General Intercessions.  The icons displayed in the Cathedral today are all the work of our Cathedral iconographer and parishioner Joan Brand-Landkamer.

A special thank you to all the youth ministers who come together to celebrate the liturgy on the first Sunday of each month:  youth greeters, altar servers, musicians, and readers!

Another All Saints moment!  After the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday, Father Ryan, with the ushers, servers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion gathered in the vestibule to honor Fred Houck, Jr., usher extraordinaire.  Fred has ushered at the Cathedral's Saturday evening Mass for thirty years this November!  You can always spot Fred with his trademark red carnation.  Thank you, Fred!


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