At St. James Cathedral, our observance of the Sacred Triduum begins on Wednesday
evening, with the ancient service of Tenebrae.
During the Benedictus, the candles are extinguished one by one.
On the morning of Holy Thursday, Archbishop Brunett presides at Morning Praise
in the Cathedral.
In the sacristy, vestments are prepared for the Archbishop, Father Ryan, and
concelebrating priests.
Meanwhile, in the Chapel, two dozen servers get instructions on the solemn
Gathered on the evening of Holy Thursday for the Mass of the Lord's Supper.
Bishop Joe Tyson preaches on Holy Thursday.
After the homily is the washing of the feet. Archbishop Brunett washes the
feet of Cathedral parishioners--both young and old.
The Mass of the Lord's Supper concludes with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,
which continues until Midnight.
During the night on Holy Thursday, the altar is stripped and the cross is
Morning Praise on Good Friday.
Hundreds gather for the traditional Tre Ore or Three Hours service on the
afternoon of Good Friday.
Father Patrick Howell, SJ, of Seattle University preached on the Seven Last
Words of Christ.
The Masters of Ceremonies prepare for the solemn liturgy of Good Friday.
Good Friday of the Lord's Passion begins in silence: the priests present
prostrate themselves on the altar, while the people kneel in silent prayer.
Father Ryan preaches on Good Friday. "this
day, this Friday, for all its darkness and all its bitterness, will always and
forever be called Good."
The Solemn Intercessions of Good Friday embrace the entire world.
The Veneration of the Cross.
"This is the wood of the cross, on which hung the savior of the world!"
"Come, let us worship!"
The Cathedral's Great Cross is adorned with red fabric. At its base is
tied a relic of the true cross.
After we have venerated the cross together, each person comes forward
individually to offer a gesture of love and adoration.
Good Friday is the only day of the year on which Mass is not offered. We
receive Holy Communion, then disperse in silence.
At Morning Prayer on Holy Saturday, the Women of St. James Schola sing the
On Saturday night, the Great Easter Vigil begins with the blessing of the new
fire, which is spread through the entire Church.
Click here for the Easter Vigil album, with
photos by Mike Penney.
here to purchase Mike Penney's photos of the Easter Vigil!
Note: At the site, scroll down to the bottom of the
list to find Easter pictures.
Thousands crowded the Cathedral on the Masses of Easter Sunday to celebrate the
good news: Christ is risen! Click here
for more images of Easter morning.
The Sacred Triduum of the Lord concludes on Sunday afternoon, with the beautiful
service of Easter Vespers.
Regina caeli, laetare! Happy Easter!