The Vigil begins on the front steps of the Cathedral, where the Archbishop
blesses the new fire.
Preparation of the Paschal Candle. "Christ yesterday and today, the
beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega; all time belongs to him and all the
ages; to him be glory and power through every age for ever. Amen."
The blessed fire is spread through the entire Cathedral.
The Psalmody is chanted during the long vigil of readings.
At the Gloria, the Cathedral is illuminated.
Archbishop Brunett blesses the incense before the proclamation of the Gospel.
The Elect listen to Archbishop's homily.
The Elect make their baptismal promises, rejecting sin and Satan and professing
their belief in God and his son, Jesus Christ.
The RCIA team leads the godparents forward to the altar while the newly baptized
are vested in white robes.
The assembly applauds during the entrance of the newly baptized.
The celebration of confirmation follows.
"Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"Peace be with you!"
Following the confirmations, the Elect spread through the church, lighting the
candles of the assembly for the renewal of baptismal promises and sprinkling
with blessed water.
Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
Congratulations to our neophytes. Our prayers are with you as you set out
on your new life in Christ!