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Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
On Tuesday, July 8, 2008, Archbishop Brunett celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.  He was ordained July 13, 1958, at the Basilica of San Alessio on the Aventine in Rome.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
Gathered on the front steps of the rectory ready for the
procession to begin.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
The priests of the Archdiocese line the sidewalk while Knights of Columbus form an honor guard.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
Archbishop Brunett with Carolyn Lassek, his director of liturgy.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
Incensation of the altar.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
We were privileged to welcome four cardinals to the celebration:  here we see Cardinal Szoka, retired Cardinal Archbishop of Detroit, Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles, and Cardinal Maida of Detroit.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
Cardinal Levada brings greetings from Rome from Pope Benedict XVI.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
At the conclusion of the Mass, Archbishop Brunett is presented with a gift of a crosier, created by Ulrich Henn, the artist of our Cathedral tabernacle and the ceremonial bronze doors.  Here Archbishop Brunett is surrounded by a group of men whom he has ordained to the priesthood over the past ten years.

Golden Jubilee Crosier, the work of Ulrich Henn
The crosier depicts Christ washing the feet of Peter on the night of the last supper.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration

Golden Jubilee Celebration
Cathedral parishioner Woody Woodland gets a blessing from the Archbishop following the Mass.

Archbishop Brunett Golden Jubilee Celebration
The golden banners created for the Jubilee celebration are the work of Cathedral parishioner (and scenic artist for Seattle Opera) Kitty Kavanaugh.  Here is Kitty pictured with Archbishop Brunett and the golden jubilee banners.  The banners are inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt.

Animation of Golden Jubilee Banners


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