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Farewell to Ukrainian Community

On Sunday, December 16, following the Noon Mass, Father Abraham Miller and members of the parish of Our Lady of Zarvanycia Ukrainian Greek Catholic Parish bade farewell to St. James Cathedral. After forty-eight years as a mission parish, worshiping in the Cathedral Chapel, they now have their own church, where they will celebrate Christmas.  The following is the text from which Father Miller spoke:

Glory to Jesus Christ! Now and forever!

I am Father Abraham Miller, pastor of Our Lady of Zarvanycia Ukrainian Greek Catholic Mission Parish, and with me are representatives of our parish community.

Forty-eight years ago Father Michael Chykhovsky, a priest from B.C., founded our mission and placed it under the patronage of Our Lady of Zarvanycia.  Zarvanycia is a town in Ukraine that for centuries has been home to a miraculous Icon of the Mother of God.  Even today it is a place of pilgrimage for Eastern Europe.  We have celbrated the Divine Liturgy in the side chapel here in the Cathedral all those years, first once a month, then in the 90's twice a month, and for the last two years every Sunday.

Over the years our parish population has grown... to the point where on many Sundays we do not fit in the side chapel.

It has been the wish of Bishop Richard Seminack, our Ordinary in Chicago, that a permanent parish be established here in Seattle, with a priority of acquiring a church building of our own.  On October 19th of this year we bought a church on south Beacon Hill.  We call it "the Blue Church."  It is older and in need of repairs, and my parishioners have generously shared their time, talents, and treasures in fixing up the building.  The repairs are still underway, but we are expecting to celebrate our first Divine Liturgy in our "new" church on Christmas day.

So today my parishioners and I have come to say "Farewell!" and to say "Thank you," Father Michael and the Cathedral Parish community.  Thank you for your years of welcoming hospitality, loving concern, patient endurance (when our services went into "extra innings"), and moral support.  For these 48 years the Cathedral has been our home, and we have felt very much part of your family.  It is difficult to leave because of the warmth and acceptance we have experienced from you.  In fact, there are some in our community who see no reason why we need to leave... However, in order for us to grow, both spiritually and as a community, we realize this day had to come.  It is a little scary going out on our own, but we are confident that with the grace of God always leading us on, and through the intercession and protection of the Mother of God, we will bring this work which has been started to perfection.

In gratitude for your years of welcome and support, we wish to give you an image of Our Lady of Zarvanycia, brought from Zarvanycia, and ask that you please continue to remember us in your prayers.

Again, thank you!  and may God continue to bless you with peace, health, and happiness for many years.  Ad multos annos!

Farewell to Ukrainian Community

Farewell to Ukrainian Community

Farewell to Ukrainian Community


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