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The Elect spend the morning of Holy Saturday in retreat with
their sponsors and catechists.
The sponsors create portraits of the Elect, with whom they have
walked the long journey to this day. The Elect write each
other notes of encouragement and support.
Meanwhile, the Cathedral is being decorated for Easter.
This year, the beautiful lilac branches burst into bloom early because of the unusually warm Good Friday.
The lilac tree was about to be bulldozed across the street but
was salvaged just in time!
Debe Meder with Jim Savage consult about plans for decorating
the altar.
This animation shows the progress of the decorations--the work
of many hours!
Back in the sacristy, Cathedral Organist Joseph Adam carves the
Paschal Candle with the traditional cross, the alpha and omega,
and the numerals of the current year--2007.
Helen Oesterle talks the sponsors through the complexities of
the Easter Vigil.
In the sacristy, ministers vest and consult. The Vigil is
about to begin!