In celebration of the great solemnity of Pentecost, a unique art installation
was created this week under the direction of Dr. James Savage.
Click here to view an animation of the installation
from start to finish.

Above, long strips of gauze netting (ranging from 20 feet to 60 feet in length)
are saturated with fiery color. Special thanks to Brenda Bellamy for
photos of the project.

The banners are stretched out and hung for drying...

...a very messy job!

The team created more than a dozen banners. The only place big enough for
this job is the Cathedral itself!

Music stands are good for more than just music.

The colors of Pentecost.

Hanging the banners is very painstaking work. The smallest banners are
hung first, ending with the longest.

View from the Cathedral's oculus during the hanging of the banners.
Click here to view an animation of the installation
from start to finish.

The team: Dr. James Savage, Vicki Nelson, Corinna Laughlin, Brenda
Bellamy, Chris Canlas, Ian Newhall, Clint Kraus, Jimmy Caron. Not
pictured: Armandino Batali, David Olsen.