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NEW! Visit the Easter Vigil Album

Holy Week at St James
Wednesday, April 4.  Tenebrae.

Holy Week at St James
Holy Thursday, April 5.  Morning Praise.

Holy Thursday Priests
Holy Thursday.  Archbishop Brunett and the clergy at the Cathedra, viewed from the oculus.

Washing of the Feet
Holy Thursday.  Washing of the Feet.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Thursday.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Good Friday
Good Friday.  Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI, theologian and popular spiritual writer, preached on the Seven Last Words at the traditional Tre Ore (Three Hours) service on Good Friday.

Good Friday

Good Friday
The Cathedral Cantorei, under the direction of Dr. James Savage, sang Theodore Dubois' Seven Last Words in honor of the Cathedral's Centennial Year.

Good Friday
The solemn liturgy of Good Friday begins in silence, as the clergy prostrate themselves before the altar and the assembly kneels in prayer.

Good Friday
The chanting of the passion according to St. John.

Good Friday
The Solemn Intercessions of Good Friday embrace the needs and hopes of the entire world.

Good Friday
The Great Cross is carried in procession through the Cathedral.  "This is the wood of the cross, on which hung the savior of the world!"  "Come, let us worship."

Good Friday
After the 'corporate veneration' of the cross, each member of the assembly comes forward to venerate the cross individually.

Exultet at the Easter Vigil
The Great Easter Vigil.  Father Ryan sings the Exultet.  Click here to view an album of the preparations for the Vigil on  Holy Saturday.  Click here to visit the Easter Vigil Album.  Photos of the Easter Vigil by Mike Penney are available for purchase at www.printroom.com/pro/photobymike

Easter at St. James
The Resurrection of the Lord.  Entrance procession on Easter morning.

Easter at St. James
The Cathedral Choir, brass, and tympani help us to experience the glory of Easter.

Easter at St. James
At the 10 o'clock Mass, youth readers proclaim the good news:  Christ is risen!

Easter at St. James
Lisa Cardwell Pontén sings the beautiful Easter Sequence on Easter morning.  "Speak, Mary, declaring what thou sawest wayfaring."

Easter at St. James
"Why do you seek the living one among the dead?  He is not here, but he has been raised."

Easter at St. James
"Would you have believed them – those women – if they had come to you with stories of an empty tomb and a vision of angels?  Would you have believed them?  Would I?"

Easter at St. James
"Lord, with Easter joy we offer you the sacrifice by which your Church is reborn and nourished through Christ our Lord."

Easter at St. James

Easter at St. James
At the end of Mass, the servers lead the procession out through the ceremonial doors into a glorious Easter day.

Easter at St. James
Thank you to all the ministers who supported the liturgies of Holy Week:  presiders, musicians, ushers, readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, servers, masters of ceremonies, RCIA team and sponsors.  Happy Easter!

Resurrection of the Lord
God our Father, you give joy to the world by the Resurrection of your Son. Help us, the poor and rich, the simple and learned, to look beyond all our fears and prejudices, and to offer you our abilities, our hearts and our time, and thus to prepare a garden for the Resurrection. Amen. (Pope Benedict XVI)

Photos by M. Laughlin © St. James Cathedral, Seattle.  All rights reserved.


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