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On Friday, November 2, All Souls Day, the Solemn Mass of All Souls
with Mozart's Requiem was celebrated. More than 1,500 packed
the Cathedral for this powerful liturgy.
Carolyn Graves chants the reading from the prophet Isaiah.
The magnificent sequence, Dies Irae, is sung following the second
reading. Dr. James Savage conducts the Cathedral Orchestra and
the Cathedral Choir of St. James.
Gospel procession
Father Ryan chants the Beatitudes from St. Matthew's Gospel.
Incensing the gifts
The funeral registers are carried in procession and given a place of
honor at the Cathedral crypt during this Mass. The registers
contain the names of all those who have been buried from the
Cathedral over the past one hundred years.
Photos by M. Laughlin St. James Cathedral, Seattle. All
rights reserved.
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone 206.622.3559 Fax 206.622.5303