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Children of St. Gregory and St. Cecilia Choirs sing a prelude at the 5:30pm Vigil Mass.

Trumpeter Ian Newhall announces the good tidings of Christmas at the Vigil Mass.

Father Ryan preaches at the Vigil Mass of Christmas.

At the Vigil Mass, children come in procession with the figures of the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the animals, to be placed at the manger scene in the Cathedral Chapel.

Hundreds of children gather around the altar for the blessing of the crib figures.

Father Ryan incenses the altar and the gifts as the Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.

The Midnight Mass was televised on KING-TV again this year.  Here, director Jim Waliser (right) and producer Greg Magnoni of the Archdiocese of Seattle (left) check preparations for the broadcast.

Getting the Midnight Mass on live TV is a complex process!  Here is a view inside the production truck.

Archbishop Brunett preached and presided at the Noon Mass on Christmas Day.  In honor of the Cathedral's Centennial, which we will celebrate throughout the coming year 2007, he carries the historic Blanchet crosier, which belonged to our first Bishop, A. M. A. Blanchet.

At the Noon Mass.

Archbishop Brunett preaches to an assembly of nearly 1,400 people at the Noon Mass on Christmas Day.

Newly-ordained Deacon Gary Lazzeroni, a Cathedral parishioner, assisted the Archbishop at the Noon Mass.

The Cathedral Choir, Soloists, Organists, and Brass, all under the direction of Dr. James Savage, performed movements from Bach's Christmas Oratorio this year.

The servers line the plaza on the west terrace after the Noon Mass on a beautiful Christmas Day in Seattle.

At the end of each Mass, people paid a visit to the manger scene in the Cathedral Chapel.  The manger scene will remain in place until the end of the Christmas season (January 8, 2007).


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Seattle, Washington  98104
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