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Saturday, June 10 was an historic day for the Archdiocese of Seattle as seven young men were ordained to the priesthood.  Here, Deacon Raymond Cleaveland offers a prayer as the Mass is about to begin.

The men to be ordained are greeted by Archbishop Brunett as they pass through the great doors.

After the proclamation of the Gospel, each of the men to be ordained is called by name.  "Present!" each replies.  He then leaves his family and friends and is seated in the presbyterium.

Father Sauer testifies to the candidates' readiness for the priesthood.  The entire assembly responds with a thunderous "Thanks be to God!"

The seven men prostrate themselves on the altar during the Litany of Supplication, when we call on all the angels and saints to pray for them and for us at this great moment.

The heart of the ordination rite, the laying on of hands.

After Archbishop, all the priests present pray over each candidate in turn.

The altar is encircled by priests for the prayer of ordination.

The newly ordained priests are clothed in stole and chasuble.

The newly ordained exchange the sign of peace with the clergy.

The seven newly ordained join Archbishop Brunett at the altar and concelebrate the Mass for the first time.

Congratulations to Father Raymond Cleaveland, Father Bryan Dolejsi, Father Paul Kaech, Father Peter Mactutis, Father Duc Nguyen, Father Khanh Nguyen, and Father Michael Radermacher!



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