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Friday, February 3, 2006.  A Prayer for the City on the Eve of the Super Bowl.  With all the excitement about the Seahawks going to the Super Bowl, it seemed appropriate to gather and give thanks for our great city; and to pray that Seattle might strive for greatness in things that matter:  service to the poor, economic opportunity, culture and the arts.  Here, community leaders meet members of the press.

We pray with music from Taiz every Friday evening at 6:30pm.  The guitar prelude, meditative chants, candle light, and icons create a unique and prayerful atmosphere.

Sandy Brown, Executive Director of the Church Council of Greater Seattle, reads a passage from Saint Paul's first letter to the Corinthians:  "Do you not know that while all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, only one gets the prize?  Run like that--to win.  Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things.  They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers.  But we, a crown that is imperishable."

Local community leaders led the more than 300 gathered in a "Litany for Seattle."  Marianne Bichsel is the spokesperson for the office of Mayor Greg Nickels.

General Director of Seattle Opera Speight Jenkins.

The service concluded with candle lighting and the singing of the great hymn:

Let there be light, Lord God of hosts!
Let there be freedom on the earth!
Let broad humanity have birth!
Let there be deeds instead of boasts!


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Seattle, Washington  98104
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