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In his homily for today, Father Ryan said: "Christ is a king like no other. He is the lamb who was slain, who shed his blood, gave his life that we might have life. How vividly that is brought to our eyes by our great processional cross that led us into this celebration and which now stands over us in a silent, saving embrace!"

The liturgical year ends; the Year of Prayer and Renewal begins.  The Great Cross is incensed at the beginning of Mass.

Father Ryan stands at the font to lead us in the renewal of our baptismal promises.  At each Mass, a member of the Pastoral Vision Committee led the Cathedral parish commitment.

The preface for today: "As King, Christ claims dominion over all creation, that he may present to you, his almighty Father, an eternal and universal kingdom: a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love, and peace."

The beautiful stained-glass windows of the Cathedral's East Apse tell the story of this Sunday's Gospel. Click here to explore them.  Father Ryan said: "Our king is also, unbelievably, the hungry one, the thirsty one, the stranger, the naked one, the one who is ill and in prison. Our king is the very least of our brothers and sisters, the one whom our natural instincts tell us to avoid and ignore at any cost. We see his face every day although we do not always recognize it, and at the Judgment, this king's face will be the face of the least of our brothers and sisters. If we recognize him now, we will recognize him then and, more importantly, he will recognize us!"


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