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The Cathedral decorated for Christmas.

The children of the Schola Cantorum, directed by Emily Ponten, sing the prelude to the Vigil Mass of Christmas with Alex Mansoori.

During the Gloria at the Vigil Mass of Christmas, a star descends from the oculus.

From St. John's Gospel: "The word was made flesh and made his dwelling among us; and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth."

At the Vigil Mass of Christmas, Father Ryan blesses the figures for the Nativity scene with the help of hundreds of children, who gather around the altar with him and raise their hands in blessing.  "Lord, bless all who look upon these figures in our manger.  May they remind us of the humble birth of Jesus, and raise up our thoughts to him who is God with us and savior of all."

Father Ryan preaches on Christmas morning.  "Dear friends, our lives are shimmering with divinity and so is our world. But we have to burrow deeply in order to see it. And the best way to see is to go to the manger because the child of Bethlehem is proof positive that, for all our stumbling humanity, we are loved by God, and so is our world."

From the letter to the Hebrews: "In these last days, God  has spoken to us through the Son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe, who is the refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being, and who sustains all things by his mighty word."

Nearly 7,000 people joined in the Masses of Christmas at St. James Cathedral.

The beautiful Christmas Crib in the Cathedral Chapel.

"Son of God, love's pure light/Radiant beams from thy holy face/With the dawn or redeeming grace."

An angel watches over the infant Christ.  The nativity scene will remain in the Chapel through Epiphany, January 8.

View the 2004 Christmas Album


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