Dear Friends,
“What I have, I give.” Those are
words of St. Peter in the Acts of the Apostles. For me, they sum up
beautifully what Sacrificial Giving is all about: giving back to God what
God has given to us. It’s not the size of the gift that’s important, but
rather that we give of our substance—giving what we have, even when it’s not
In these times when we are
experiencing so much uncertainty, we give thanks for the many blessings we
have received. And we find ourselves thinking about the many people in our
midst and in our world who lack even the basic necessities of life.
The need is overwhelming, but
as a community of faith, we can do so much more than we can as individuals.
Thanks to your support, we can celebrate in a powerful and fitting way the
mysteries of our faith. We can reach out in the name of Christ to the
homeless, the poor, the elderly, and the immigrant. And we can share the
treasure of faith with those who are seeking to know Jesus.
Let us commit ourselves to be
good stewards of the gifts God has given us: by participating regularly and
actively in the Sunday Eucharist; by sharing our time and talent with our
community; and by making a prayerful commitment to support St. James
Cathedral financially, to the extent we are able, in the coming year.
I pray that this year, each one of us will
experience the joy of Sacrificial Giving: of giving freely, giving back to
God a portion of what he has given to us.
Father Michael G. Ryan
Click here to make your pledge!
Electronic Giving options at St. James Cathedral
Sunday Visitor You are encouraged to make your weekly or
monthly offering online
through Our Sunday Visitor, which allows you to track your giving,
change your payment method, and make online donations to St Vincent de
Paul and special collections.
here to get started.
Direct Debit Authorization Download
the direct debit authorization form
and return it with a voided check. Direct debit is hassle-free and
the Cathedral is not charged a fee for these withdrawals.
For more information on making a pledge for 2024,
Maria Laughlin, Director of Stewardship and Development, 206-382-4284.
Annual Report to the Parish 2022-2023 (PDF)
Annual Report to the Parish 2021-2022 (PDF)