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Dear Friends,

"The place where you stand is holy ground.” Our beautiful and beloved Cathedral is holy ground, and you are part of that holiness. You are part of a long procession stretching back well over one hundred years—a procession of people who have found comfort and challenge in this place. The sacraments we celebrate here, the joys and sorrows we offer to God, our loving service of one another in the name of Christ: these are what truly make this place “holy ground.”
It is our giving that makes possible so many of the good things that go on here at the Cathedral parish, week in and week out. Our giving allows us to reach out to one another and to the poorest in our midst with love and compassion. Through our giving, this holy ground becomes fruitful ground, as we build up the Body of Christ in our own place and time.
You are aware, I’m sure, that it is once again “Sacrificial Giving” time. Each November I come to you to remind you of the responsibility—and the privilege—that is ours as believers to acknowledge God’s gifts in our lives by contributing to the support of our parish.
Please take a few moments to reflect prayerfully on what you intend to give in the coming year and make your commitment here.
In closing, please know how deeply grateful I am to you for all the ways you help to build up the Body of Christ at St. James Cathedral. The ways you share your treasure, as well as your time and talent, make St. James the holy ground that it surely is. May God reward your generosity!
Father Michael G. Ryan

Click here to make your pledge!


Electronic Giving options at St. James Cathedral

  • Our Sunday Visitor  You are encouraged to make your weekly or monthly offering online through Our Sunday Visitor, which allows you to track your giving, change your payment method, and make online donations to St Vincent de Paul and special collections. Click here to get started.
  • Direct Debit Authorization  Download the direct debit authorization form here and return it with a voided check. Direct debit is hassle-free and the Cathedral is not charged a fee for these withdrawals.

For more information on making a pledge for 2024, contact Maria Laughlin, Director of Stewardship and Development, 206-382-4284.

  • Annual Report to the Parish 2023-2024 (PDF)
  • Annual Report to the Parish 2022-2023 (PDF)
  • Annual Report to the Parish 2021-2022 (PDF)  



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    804 Ninth Avenue
    Seattle, Washington  98104
    Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303