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The generous bequests of parishioners and friends is critical to fulfilling the mission of St James Cathedral.  The Cathedral not only provides outreach to many who live on the edge of poverty and loneliness, we are a center for many cultural and ecumenical events which both reflect and help to shape a vital metropolitan community.   Remembering the Church  is a way to make sure the community you value will continue into the future.  It’s a way to leave an incredible legacy to those who will come after you.

Each Sunday in November, St. James Cathedral prays in a special way for our deceased benefactors.  Some of those who left legacies to St. James Cathedral were quite poor; others were quite wealthy.  Their gifts to the Cathedral—both large and small—have made an incalculable difference in the lives of who worship at St. James.  Through their generous bequests they have supported every part of our ministry:  from our outreach to the homeless, to our renowned music program, to the maintenance of our beautiful Cathedral and grounds.

What is your legacy?  Remembering St James Cathedral in your will is a way to say something about what you value the most and to show family and friends the value you place on your faith community.

The Legacy Society of St. James Cathedral

The Legacy Society of St James honors those who have remembered St James in their wills and estate plans.  Members are thanked for their generosity and updated on parish progress at our annual brunch.  If you have remembered the Cathedral in your will, please let us know!  Maria Laughlin, Director of Stewardship and Development, 206-382-4284.

  Download the flyer
  Text for your attorney
  Explore creative ways of giving, courtesy the Archdiocese of Seattle


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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303