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Sunday, January 31, 2021 -- The 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

ON THE COVER  "The people were astonished at his teaching." Detail of the Ceremonial Bronze Doors, St. James Cathedral. Ulrich Henn, artist.
Floral offerings are a wonderful way to remember a deceased loved one, celebrate an anniversary, or give thanks for a prayer that has been answered. Information, Micki-Jo Palmer, mpalmer@stjames-cathedral.org or 206-622-3559.
WEEKDAY MASSES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Each day from Monday through Saturday, an 8:00am Mass is celebrated in the Cathedral. All are welcome to attend without prior registration.
SATURDAY CONFESSIONS  Beginning Saturday, February 6, confessions will be heard immediately following the 8:00am Mass on Saturday mornings, from 8:30am to 9:30am. This change will allow for a more consistent schedule, since we have many special events in the Cathedral on Saturdays. During Lent, confessions will also be heard following the 8:00am Mass on Wednesday mornings, beginning Wednesday, February 20.
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Beginning with the first Friday in Lent, February 19, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following the 8:00am Mass, continuing until 1:00pm, with Holy Hour beginning at 12 Noon. All are welcome. (We no longer have Exposition on Tuesdays.)
MASS FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS On Saturday, February 6 at 10:00am, Archbishop Etienne will celebrate a special Mass for members of the healthcare community, including doctors and nurses, pharmacists, aides, caregivers, and anyone working in the healthcare world. What better time than during these days of pandemic to pray for them and give thanks for their life-saving work? This Mass is traditionally called the "White Mass," an allusion to the white garments often worn by health care workers. All are welcome to attend this special celebration. Register to attend in person at the Cathedral website, or join us via livestream at vimeo.com/archdioceseofseattle.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL HELPLINE During the pandemic, the SVdP Helpline may be able to refer you to sources of aid if you need help paying your rent or electricity bill or getting enough food or other basic necessities of life. If you live in Seattle or elsewhere in King County, please submit your request for help online at https://svdpseattle.org/get-help/online-help-request-form/ anytime or by calling 206-767-6449 between 8am and 3pm Monday through Friday. Especially if you cannot handle a growing rent debt because you lost your job or had your hours reduced, please contact the Helpline. It is better to start seeking help now rather than waiting until the temporary eviction moratorium ends, when so many more people are expected to need help, too. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or wiesnerjo@gmail.com
New! CIRCLE OF HOPE St. James Cathedral Mental Health and Wellness Ministry is happy to introduce Circle of Hope, a Zoom gathering where those who find themselves struggling with life's daily challenges can experience fellowship and support in a safe, faith-filled environment. Whether you live with a chronic mental illness or feel the emotional impact of the effects of COVID, you are invited to join this welcoming group. Facilitators Nancy Granger, St. James Cathedral Parish Mental Health Nurse and Cathedral parishioner David Pina, retired Air Force Chaplain, Suicide Prevention Specialist look forward to joining you in this community of faith and support. This group will meet weekly via Zoom for 8 sessions on Thursdays, February 18 - April 8, 6:30- 8:00pm. Capacity is limited. For information and to determine whether this group is right for you, contact Nancy Granger, 206-382-4269 or ngranger@stjames-cathedral.org.
OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES DURING THE PANDEMIC Catholic Community Services/Catholic Housing Services (CCS/CHS) has asked the Cathedral to provide meals for their day centers and shelters. Unopened store-bought casseroles and unopened sandwich-ingredients (bread, deli meat, vegetables and condiments) are greatly appreciated. In addition, toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps and shampoos, feminine hygiene products), canned ready-to-eat meals (ie soup or chili), cup of noodles, easy mac & cheese, K-cup coffee, cocoa and tea, individual servings of chips, crackers, granola bars and cereals have been requested. Deliver food to Cathedral Hall (803 Terry Ave.), Tuesdays, 9am to 11am. Information, Patrick Barredo, pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org.
Outreach and Advocacy Newsletter Learn about upcoming events and opportunities as well as stay informed on Catholic social teaching by receiving this twice-monthly newsletter. Subscribe by emailing, outreach@stjames-cathedral.org.
NEW! CARE CALLS MINISTRY The Need: Due to COVID-19 there is an epidemic of loneliness in our communities. A great number of people suffer mental and physical consequences from isolation and loneliness. We see this in the world around us and in our own parish. The Response: St. James Cathedral Mental Health and Wellness Ministry (MHWM) has initiated a new ministry to help alleviate loneliness and establish connections with parishioners who may be isolated or lonely. Care Calls: Care Calls is outreach to people who live alone or have little connection with people. Volunteers phone identified parishioners on a regular basis to offer listening and companionship. Calls will connect people who are lonely to people who have time to listen and chat. The volunteers who become callers are individuals who understand the call of Christ to care for our brothers and sisters and want to make a difference in someone's life. They have the time to make regular calls and build relationship. They can also provide supportive reminders that help with everyday life, like remembering to take medication or keep medical appointments. Care Callers are volunteer phone friends, serving others because their hearts are in the right place. In doing so, they may even fill a void in their own lives. How you can help: Please let us know of someone you think would benefit from and be open to receiving a regularly scheduled Care Call from a MHWM volunteer. If you are interested in becoming a MHWM volunteer and joining Care Calls ministry, or would like more information, contact Nancy Granger, 206-382-4269 or ngranger@stjames-cathedral.org.
St. james cathedral on social media Be sure to follow the Cathedral on social media for up-to-date information about ongoing events in the life of the Cathedral! On Instagram: @stjamescathedral. On Facebook and Twitter: @stjamesseattle. Did you know the Cathedral has a podcast? Father Ryan's homilies are available on iTunes. Just search "St. James Cathedral, Seattle" on Apple podcasts. And of course, you can always visit the Cathedral website at www.stjames-cathedral.org for up to date information on Cathedral happenings, or to sign up for our weekly e-bulletin.

Sacred Steps   CONGRATULATIONS AND GOD'S BLESSINGS to the following children, baptized in the Cathedral during the month of January: Noelle Violet Asefa, Enzo Marco Montalvo, Eva Kathleen Thode, and Mila Doreen Valdovinos. We welcome with joy these newest members of the family of faith!   REST IN PEACE Please pray for the repose of the souls of Patrick Ragen and Dan Jinguji.  

MUSICAL PRAYER FRIDAY, February 5 at 6:30pm: Join us for a livestream concert from the Cathedral! In honor of Black History Month, Cathedral Guitarist Mark Hilliard Wilson offers a program of music by Black composers J. Rosamond Johnson, Edward Kennedy Ellington, Vicente Lusitano, Quinn Mason, Justin Holland, and Thomas Flippin. You can find the livestream at vimeo.com/stjamescathedral or facebook.com/stjamesseattle. For a complete archive of 40+ musical offerings since the pandemic began, visit www.stjames-cathedral.org.  

PARISH REMEMBRANCE  Throughout the year, because we are the Cathedral Church, we remember in prayer at Mass and Vespers each of the parishes and missions of the Archdiocese of Seattle on a Sunday near their feast day. This week we pray for the parishes of St. Mary in Aberdeen, Seattle, and Seaview; St. Bridget in Seattle; and Star of the Sea Mission in Stevenson.    




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804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303