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Link to the PDF of this week's bulletin. Looking for an older bulletin? Click here for the archive.

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Sunday, January 3, 2021 -- The Epiphany of the Lord

On the cover  "Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way." The Visit of the Magi. North transept stained glass window, St. James Cathedral, 1917-1918. Charles Connick, artist.
VISIT THE MANGER SCENE "Today is the right day to draw near to the manger, and to say thank you. Let us receive the gift that is Jesus, in order then to become gift like Jesus" (Pope Francis). Because of Covid-19 restrictions, it is not possible to stay after the weekend Masses to visit the manger scene, but we hope you will stop by during the Cathedral’s open hours to pay a visit. During the week, there is a place to light candles and write prayer intentions. The Cathedral is open on weekdays from 7:30am until 4:00pm.
WEEKDAY MASSES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Each day from Monday through Saturday, an 8:00am Mass is celebrated in the Cathedral. All are welcome to attend without prior registration. On Tuesdays, the 8:00am Mass is followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with rosary at 12 Noon.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU A young man had a steady, fulltime job at a local movie theater until COVID shut down the theaters and he lost his job. He scrambled for work. All he could find was part-time work, not enough to pay his rent. He was blessed to have a friend who pitched in to help pay part of the rent, and SVdP paid the rest. Your financial donations to SVdP at the Cathedral truly help. Thank you for making this dark winter a little brighter for our neighbors in need! If someone you know needs help, please suggest they call the SVdP Helpline, 206-767-6449, 8am to 3pm Monday through Friday, except holidays.
Take Another Look at the Catholic Church You are invited to an online Cathedral program for Catholics who have been away, and are wanting to take another look at their Church. Be part of a small zoom community, ask questions, and learn about changes in the Church. The program begins Monday, January 11, 6:30-8:00 pm, and runs for six Monday nights. Information: Rosanne Michaels, rmichaels@stjames-cathedral.org .
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT BECOMING CATHOLIC Are you, a family member, or a friend interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Come and See! You're invited to a no-strings-attached gathering to ask questions and find out more on Wednesday, January 6, at 7:00pm via Zoom. Information, Kathleen McCabe, kmccabe@stjames-cathedral.org .
Fratelli Tutti: On fraternity and social friendship In October, Pope Francis released Fratelli Tutti, an encyclical which calls us to live out our Christian duty to see the face of Jesus in our neighbors, recognizing everyone we meet as a brother or sister. On Monday, January 11 at 6:30pm, Judy Mayotte, a scholar and Cathedral parishioner, will speak on Fratelli Tutti's call to restore humanity's fraternal bond, that we are all sisters and brothers. The following week, a 4-week small group program will begin, for Cathedral parishioners to read, discuss and pray with this important teaching on human solidarity and friendship. Registration and information, Patrick Barredo, pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org .
FAITH AND RACIAL HEALING Mondays, 6:30pm-9pm starting on January 18, 2021. Through new learning from articles, videos, and resource books, the Faith and Racial Justice small group program from JustFaith Ministries lends new insights to participants’ awareness of privilege and racism. By encouraging new spiritual practices and informed action, it cultivates an expanding community of Christians who work to dismantle racism in their respective contexts. This process will challenge your own thinking about racism, its causes, and its impact, while helping you discern practical steps to address it. Information and registration, Patrick Barredo, pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org.
OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES DURING THE PANDEMIC Catholic Community Services/Catholic Housing Services (CCS/CHS) has asked the Cathedral to provide meals for their day centers and shelters. Unopened store-bought casseroles and unopened sandwich-ingredients (bread, deli meat, vegetables and condiments) are greatly appreciated. In addition, toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps and shampoos, feminine hygiene products), canned ready-to-eat meals (i.e. soup or chili), cup of noodles, easy mac & cheese, K-cup coffee, cocoa and tea, individual servings of chips, crackers, granola bars and cereals have been requested. Deliver food to Cathedral Hall (803 Terry Ave.), Tuesdays, 9am to 11am. Information, Patrick Barredo, pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org .
St. james cathedral on social media Be sure to follow the Cathedral on social media for up-to-date information about ongoing events in the life of the Cathedral! On Instagram: @stjamescathedral. On Facebook and Twitter: @stjamesseattle. Did you know the Cathedral has a podcast? Father Ryan's homilies are available on iTunes. Just search “St. James Cathedral, Seattle” on Apple podcasts. And of course, you can always visit the Cathedral website at www.stjames-cathedral.org for up to date information on Cathedral happenings, or to sign up for our weekly e-bulletin.
Volunteer Tutors for Immigrants Do you have a few hours each week to help an immigrant learn English or prepare for their citizenship interview? No prior tutoring or teaching experience necessary. All tutoring is currently done remotely. Staff provide ongoing support. To get into the next training, please contact us as soon as possible. Information, Sayuko Setvik, ssetvik@stjames-cathedral.org .
THANK YOU to so many who have supported this year’s virtual Giving Tree and Sock Drive. When we pray the Grace before Meals, we ask God’s blessing upon ourselves and the food that comes to us through God’s bounty. Through your generous contributions, many men, women and children in our region will receive wonderful gifts from your bounty. Please know how much each of you has been a blessing!
ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER AT ST. JAMES? Many who attend St. James regularly and consider the Cathedral their parish have never officially registered. We strongly encourage you to register. Registered parishioners receive important mailings from the Cathedral (including offering envelopes!). You can register online at www.stjames-cathedral.org.

musical prayer at the catHedral FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 at 6:30pm: Musical Prayer in the Cathedral continues with Cathedral Piper Tyrone Heade playing Scottish Small Pipes, which he describes as a chamber instrument with a warm woodwind timbre. More information on his instrument and a video can be found on Tyrone’s website at bagpipe101.com/small-pipes. Join the livestream at vimeo.com/stjamescathedral or facebook.com/stjamesseattle.  

PARISH REMEMBRANCE Throughout the year, because we are the Cathedral Church, we remember in prayer at Mass and Vespers each of the parishes and missions of the Archdiocese of Seattle on a Sunday near their feast day. This week we pray for the parishes of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Bothell, St. Mary in Castle Rock and Centralia, and St. Mary Mission in Coupeville.




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Seattle, Washington  98104
Phone 206.622.3559  Fax 206.622.5303